Greg's Writings

A Christ-Centered Approach to Wellbeing: The SOUL Framework

Sep 3, 2024 | Greg's Writings | 0 comments

The beginning of another academic year provides an opportunity to reflect on the values that guide us and the ways we can better support wellbeing across our community. In an era marked by significant challenges and rapid change, the need for a holistic approach to wellbeing is significant.  

As we navigate the complexities of our lives—individually and collectively—how can we ensure our communities thrive in deep, enduring ways?  

We’ve been grappling with this question across our campus community and have developed a new initiative to address it head-on: the SOUL Framework.  

SOUL is a comprehensive, Christ-centered approach to wellbeing designed to help every member of our campus community thrive in all aspects of life. Informed by our identity as a Christ-centered institution, each element of SOUL — an acronym — is rooted in a scriptural virtue that reflects our commitment to live out our faith each day. This includes seeking excellence through humility, offering gratitude with joy, unleashing hospitality with love and living the dream together with hope for the future. The Soul framework is rooted in, and aspires to, wisdom.  

The Genesis of SOUL 

This new framework emerged from extensive discussions among groups of leaders across our campus focused on important aspects of our work — mental health and broader wellbeing and Christ-centered character formation and leadership development. Working together, these groups identified key intersections and developed a vision that was the foundation of our SOUL framework. 

Inspired by the biblical passage 3 John 1:2 — “Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul thrives” — SOUL is far more than a response to the challenges of the moment. It’s a reimagining of how we can cultivate a flourishing community rooted in our Christ-centered vision.  

Understanding SOUL 


S – Seek Excellence (Humility) 

We seek to pursue excellence with a spirit of humility.  

This principle reminds us that our achievements are not solely for personal gain but are part of a greater purpose. Whether in academics, the arts or athletics, seeking excellence involves recognizing our gifts as blessings meant to serve others and contribute to a larger mission. It’s about aspiring to high standards while remaining grounded in the understanding that our abilities are God-given, meant to be nurtured and used for the common good. 

As Philippians 2 and James 3 remind us, true excellence comes from a place of learning, growth and a focus on Christ as our ultimate teacher. 

O – Offer Gratitude (Joy) 

Gratitude is more than a response to good fortune; it is a proactive choice to acknowledge the blessings in our lives, regardless of circumstances.  

This principle, deeply rooted in our pursuit of joy, encourages us to see the world through a lens of appreciation and cultivate a habit of thankfulness that sustains us through life’s challenges.  

Embracing gratitude also means recognizing the contributions of those who have come before us. We stand on the shoulders of extraordinary individuals, such as Belmont Founders Susan Heron and Ida Hood, and the many generations that have built and nurtured our special community. This sense of gratitude connects us to our past, while providing the joy and resilience needed to face the future. 

We also know that joy isn’t simply reserved for our best days. It’s about maintaining a steady sense of gratitude that carries us through both triumphs and tragedies. This mutual exchange of gratitude strengthens our community and helps us navigate life’s inevitable ups and downs.  


U – Unleash Hospitality (Love) 

In a world often marked by fragmentation and isolation, hospitality offers a path toward unity. 

At Belmont, we strive to create a welcoming environment where all members of our community feel welcomed, valued, known and loved. Unleashing hospitality involves embracing others with genuine care and taking time to connect on a deeper level.  

In his book “Unreasonable Hospitality,” Will Guidara tells the story of how his restaurant in New York City achieved greatness not solely through its food, but through the exceptional experience it provided.  

So, too, can we cultivate relationships, and more broadly a community, where hospitality is a transformative force. This is how we put our faith into action and build a place where all can thrive. 

L – Live the Dream Together (Hope) 

Living the dream together is about more than just individual ambition; it’s about embracing a shared vision, working together with hope and trusting in God’s purposes for our lives. Dreaming dreams and living them together offers an opportunity to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset focused on future needs and addressing them creatively, a mindset that has shaped Belmont throughout its history and especially through leaders like Jack C. Massey for whom our College of Business is named. 

One of the things I love most about Belmont is how we embody this principle across all areas of campus life. In Belmont athletics, for example, teamwork is about supporting each other and achieving something greater as a unified team. This same spirit of collaboration extends to all facets of our community—from students and faculty working together in the classroom to musicians performing together. The spirit of collaboration is what drives our success. 

Last April, we celebrated 50 years of Belmont’s music business program with a night at the Grand Ole Opry where every performer was a Belmont alum or current student. It was a powerful reminder of what it means to live the dream together—how our collective efforts, inspired by hope, can create something truly extraordinary.  

Even on days when the journey feels discouraging, it’s this sense of shared purpose and community that carries us forward, allowing hope to abound and shaping a future that reflects God’s loving plan for redemption.  

The Pursuit of Wisdom 

Surrounding these four principles is our pursuit of wisdom—a fundamental aspect of both higher education and a life well-lived.  

Wisdom helps us navigate challenges and opportunities with insight and understanding. It’s a hallmark of who we are as an institution of higher learning and a foundational characteristic of a life guided by faith and purpose and focused on character. 

A Christ-Centered Model for Wellbeing 

 The SOUL framework is a tangible expression of our Christ-centered identity, designed to nurture the whole person and our institutional culture. In a world where many are searching for meaning and connection, SOUL offers a model for building a more compassionate, hopeful society.  

The soul is a reservoir that needs constant replenishment. When our souls are full, we are more resilient, better equipped to face challenges and less likely to falter in difficult times. SOUL encourages practices that continuously nourish our souls, laying the foundation for long-term mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.  

By grounding our approach in the scriptural virtues of wisdom, humility, joy, love and hope, we strive to create an environment where every individual can flourish and serve others with grace.  

Whether you’re leading a community, supporting a team or simply seeking to live more intentionally, these principles can guide you toward a life marked by joy, purpose and lasting connection.