Books & Articles
Dr. Greg Jones continues to publish books and articles on a variety of topics. A sample of his pieces are below:

Navigating the Future: Traditioned Innovation for Wilder Seas

Christian Social Innovation: Renewing Wesleyan Witness

Thriving Communities: The Pattern of Church Life Then and Now

Forgiving as We’ve Been Forgiven: Community Practices for Making Peace

Resurrecting Excellence: Shaping Faithful Christian Ministry
Finding Hope in the Fragments | Medium
The priest sex scandal reaches us all. We Christian have serious repair work to do | The News & Observer
Embrace the Wilderness | Faith & Leadership
Holding Together Networks, Hierarchies and Power | Faith & Leadership
How Should Leaders Respond to the Powerful Forces Shaping Our World | Faith & Leadership
Innovation and Design Thinking are Necessary, but Insufficient | Faith & Leadership
Learning Intuition | Faith & Leadership