whats your why

Compassionate Guide

compassionate guide

You have a gift for making everyone feel seen and heard. Your compassion and understanding radiate from you, and people are drawn to your calming presence. You have the ability to see both sides of every issue, and you are always respectful of others. You know that there is strength in being vulnerable, and you are not afraid to show your true self. As a result, people feel safe and comfortable around you. They know that they can trust you with their deepest thoughts and feelings. You are a true student of life, and your thirst for knowledge is evident in everything you do. You are always curious and open-minded, and you enjoy learning new things. Your positive attitude and compassionate nature make you an invaluable member of any team. You help to create a more positive and enriching experience for everyone around you.

Learn more about your Why at Belmont.

Discover Your Purpose Area

“What’s Your Why?” is more than just a catchy phrase. It’s a question that can help to focus your attention on what really matters in life.

And for Belmont students, it’s a question that can guide them as they discern their vocation and career path. Students at Belmont explore the importance of developing purpose by keeping questions of God and faith at the heart of their decision-making process.

You can, too!

By anchoring your choices in something larger than yourself, you can find direction and meaning in your work, no matter what career you choose. By discovering your “why,” you’ll set yourself up for a lifetime of flourishing.

When you come to Belmont, you can take the What’s Your Why interdisciplinary course, where you have an opportunity to choose your own adventure, so to speak. During the course, you’ll discover what it means to be a Sincere Storyteller, Organizational Innovator, Thoughtful Investigator, Creative Visionary or Compassionate Guide!

Read more about these “purpose areas” here.

Rick Rekedal in What’s Your Why Class

Find Your Why at Belmont

You may find that you identify with more than one purpose area. Click below to read about the others!

Organizational Innovator
Sincere Storyteller
Thoughtful Investigator
Compassionate Guide
Creative Visionary