The Hope Summit at Belmont University Equipping and Unleashing Agents of Hope

Next Steps

Thank you for joining us at The Hope Summit! We are so grateful for your interest in connecting on next steps regarding how you can stay engaged.

Hope Summit activates Agents of Hope from various industries–change-makers, thinkers and leaders committed to shaping a more transformative world. 

We think about engagement around three key pillars–Coming Together, Learning Together & Solving Together. Below are numerous ways to stay engaged with the Hope Summit community through these pillars and activate more impact in your local context.  We would love to engage you in any of these efforts. See below for next steps!


Come Together

Strategic Convenings–Events and Impact Tables

Save the Date: Hope Summit 2024 (October 28-29, 2024)
Please join us for our next Hope Summit!

Impact Table – Nashville
Join us on October 24 from 4-5:30 p.m. at Belmont to learn more about impact investing from Dr. Kim Tan, the global pioneer in the space and Co-founder of the Transformational Business Network. Register here.

Learn Together

Teaching and Training–Educational Content, Courses and Executive Education

Hope People Podcast
Our world is facing significant challenges, and at every turn, another conflict awaits. Yet, we survive and even thrive by relying on an intangible and undeniable gift: Hope. It fills us, connects us, highlights our individual purpose and unites us in our goal to do more together.

Join Belmont University President Dr. Greg Jones as he leads important conversations with leaders who demonstrate what it means to live with hope and hear the lessons they have picked up along their unique, individual journeys. They are The Hope People

Custom Learning Solutions
Stay tuned as we release Executive Education courses for you, your employees or your communities. If you are interested in Belmont helping create a custom course (in-person or online) for your company or organization email

SOLVE Together

Collaborative Innovation–Labs & Impact Teams

Compassion International Impact Team
Help provide wrap-around support and mentorship to two global entrepreneurs who are Compassion International alumni. We need committed, experienced professionals to advise these visionary founders and accelerate their social enterprises. Join the Compassion team here.

Corner to Corner Impact Team
Help provide wrap-around support and mentorship to two black Nashville-based entrepreneurs.  We need committed, experienced professionals to advise these visionary founders and accelerate their social enterprises. Join the Corner-to-Corner team here

Belmont Accelerator for Social Innovation Collaboration (BASIC)
Faculty and staff generate proposals for partnerships with local nonprofits to solve challenges in Nashville. Contact for more information.

TBN Global Alliance
Fighting poverty through enterprise in frontier and emerging markets around the world. Mentorship and investment opportunities for professionals, internships for students and engagement opportunities for faculty are integrated into this five-year grant. Email for more information.